Summary - Bridgette Brown

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Name: Bridgette Brown
Bridgette Brown
Posts: 0 (0 per day)
Membership Level: IMHS Student

Gender: Female Female
Age: 60
City, State, Country: San Diego, California United States
Date Registered: July 05, 2019, 08:13:30 PM
Last Active: December 11, 2019, 10:50:04 PM

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I am born and raised in San Diego. I moved Alabama for 15 years and have since moved back to San Diego. I love the south but am so happy to be back home. I have been involved in Metaphysics since high school, and now I have found the road to IMHS to earn my degree. I am so happy to be a student in IMHS. I have a lot of life experience in so many fields of Metaphysics it is so wonderful to be around people who hold the values as I do.


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Local Time: July 27, 2024, 11:31:38 AM

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